Senior Design Team sdmay19-24 • Power system reliability in the Midwest US for high wind/solar levels

Driven by changing economics, environmental regulations, technological innovation and aging infrastructure,
the types of generating resources in the region served by the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
are changing in a profound way. Many of the legacy power plants that generated the bulk of the region’s electricity
for decades have retired in recent years, and have been replaced by natural gas-fired resources and renewable energy
facilities such as wind and solar farm. Renewable energy is currently the fastest growing and most prominent class
of resource in MISO. Many unanswered questions remain about the impact these resources will have on the reliability
and performance of the electric grid as their growth continues.
Study Goal:
A key component of MISO’s reliability planning processes is the resource adequacy analysis, as required by the North Electric Reliability Council (NERC). The metric used to calculate the planning reserve margin (PRM) is the "one day in ten years" metric, also known as the loss of load expectation (LOLE).The goal of this study is to quantify the effect of renewable resources on the LOLE target as levels of wind and solar integrated into the MISO system increase. By determining the respective Effective Load Carrying Capability (ELCC) of wind and solar, the study will measure
the capacity value of each resource at 10% increments of renewable penetration on the MISO system.
Key Outcomes:
Phase 1(Tentatively: August –December/2018)
1.Education of process
2.Verification of 2024 Seams model in PLEXOS;scale down generation/load/renewablesto 2017 levels(10% penetration of renewables)
- Build PASA model
3.Determine necessary capacity additions and siting of wind and solar resources to meet target penetration levels (10% -100%). Assume a 50/50 mix of wind and solar
- Maximum capacity per Seams bubble/per technology will be provided by MISO
- Develop aggregate wind/solar sites to achieverenewabletargets
4.A) Under base assumptions, determine ELCC for the combination of wind and solarfor each penetration level(10%, 30%, 50%, and 100%).
B) Automate LOLE adjustment/ELCC calculation in PLEXOS
Phase 2(Tentatively: January –May/2019)
1.Determine necessary capacity additions and siting of wind and solar resources to meet target penetrationlevels (10%,20%,30%,40%,50%,and 100%). Assume a different mix of wind and solar.
2.Under base assumptions, determine ELCC for thenewcombination of wind and solarfor each penetration level
3.Estimate any cost implications of a changing ELCC